Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How To Become Rich!”
Follow This Simple Advice To Instantly Change Your Life
By Andy Shaw
Rule 1 – Know What You WantThe rule virtually every unsuccessful person breaks… this is the primary reason for their failure to succeed... is that they don’t know what they want. They know they need to know this but they just don’t ever quite get round to figuring it out.
Or they know they need it and then come up with some useless wishy washy example of what they want. Like, I want to be rich… Or as a successful person says… Useless!
This sort of wishy washy goal is 100% useless. You must have a targeted goal that you could tell someone what it was and they would be able to follow a route to it. Clear and conceivable.

Knowing what you want is the same as knowing you want to go to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, USA on 4th July 2015… That is knowing what you want. Anyone can follow that direction, it is clear, it is conceivable.
Rule 2 – Focus on What You Want
Once you have your core dream sorted out and you know exactly what you want, you must first have had it in your mind. So you must go and experience having it at some point in the future. (Putting a time restraint on a dream is wrong – despite what the experts tell you, I just used that previous example to explain a point.)

You must experience what your life will be like to have had your dream. You keep doing this until you have had it and seen it in so much detail that it becomes something that is now likely to happen.

Then you focus on possible routes for you to get there. You provide your mind with stepping stones and lots of them at each step. What I mean by this is you give your mind possible options that it could take to get you to your goal. You are providing your mind with ways to conceive you could actually do it. The stepping stones start from where you are now.As you go through this process, focusing on what you want and possible ways to get there. Eventually you will reach a point in your mind where you know that it is not possible for it not to happen, if you just start to take steps towards your dreams.

What you have done is created the dream and the possible steps to get there in your mind first. Now by focusing on your dream your subconscious mind can see possible ways to bring it into your reality.
"Successful people are considered strange people before they become known for their success. This is because they know what they want and are focusing on it."
Rule 3 – Be Grateful For Having Had Your Dream
When you are going through and applying Rule 2, you should naturally reach the point where you want to feel grateful for having had your dream. However, your mind will try and stop you at this point by telling you… “Well you haven’t had it yet have you, so what have you got to feel grateful for?”

This is the mindset of an unsuccessful person killing off their dreams. You see, your mind shows you a logical argument and normally the unsuccessful person would listen to that voice inside their head… This is why they are unsuccessful.

However, on this occasion look out for the feeling, the feeling of you wanting to feel grateful. This feeling isn’t lying to you, it is showing you what to do. Your mind is lying to you.

If you want to create the millionaire mindset then you have to get back to where you were when you were younger and life was simpler… You have to learn to trust your feelings again and learn to ignore your mind’s voice.

Rule 4 – Wait To Feel Compelled To ActAll creation is done in your mind first. Once you have conceived the idea; conceived the thoughts of how you could get there and provided plenty of different options to get there. And when you have also experienced feeling grateful for getting there, then you have had your dream…
When you get to this stage you will know it because you will at some point (time doesn’t matter, I don’t know when) feel COMPELLED to act. This feeling will come over you and you will want nothing more than to get on with it.
This is like sticking nitrous oxide in the fuel mixture… You are going to move forward in ways that will surprise even you, that’s if you wait for this feeling. If you want the feeling to happen sooner, just spend more time designing your goal in your mind. Designing the steps to get there and feeling grateful for being there.

Action steps are all about bringing into reality that which you have already had in your mind. You are the Architect, once the dream has been fully designed so that you can see it in your life in every detail then it is time to bring it into reality. And you will know this because the feeling will magically propel you forward.

Rule 5 – Focus On The Step You Are On
You will be compelled to act and you will know what you are to do. Some of your time will be spent on creating your dream and the remainder will be on living with where you are now and completing the job you are in now.

Now this step is of vital importance to remember if you want to not only get but hold onto the millionaire mindset. You must focus on what you are doing 100% and do it to the very best of your ability when you are focusing on it.

What I mean by that is obvious for your dream, but most who fail do not realise that it must also be true for the job you are at now. You must become excellent at that too while you are still there.

Take a very workman style approach to it, do you current job to 100% of what is needed and enjoy it as much as you possibly can while you are doing it. You should enjoy it, whatever it is, as it is enabling you to go and spend the remainder of your time focusing on your dream and creating that.

Love where you are in life now. You can desire more and you can demand more and go and create more, but be happy and safe in the knowledge that you are cultivating your millionaire mindset, and one second after finishing your current work you are switching and focusing on creating your dream.

Rule 6 – Listen To Your Hunches
While you are on your journey of creating the life you desire and acquiring your millionaire mindset, you must learn to listen out for your hunches. These are coming from your subconscious mind. 
As you focus more and more on your dream and designing it, you will be subtly asking yourself questions about how you can get that element done or get past this step.Your subconscious mind is listening; it goes out and finds the answers for you and it gives them to you at the best possible time. However, it is not the voice inside your mind. Your subconscious mind doesn’t speak to you, it serves you up feelings and hunches, or just plain gives you the answer as if from nowhere.
So you need to re-tune into your subconscious mind and learn to trust and follow your hunches…You will be surprised and amazed as to where they will take you.
"Successful people instinctively follow their gut feelings. Unsuccessful people have let others convince them that they cannot trust themselves."
Rule 7 – Go Deeper Into Your Design
While you are taking steps and following your hunches then there will be down times between the steps of you taking action. This is when your body needs to relax. What could be more relaxing than dreaming some more about your design.

So this is a perfect time to go and experience your design in greater detail wherever you are in life. Let’s say you are on the train or in a cab, or waiting at the supermarket checkout. These are now your times to go and day dream about the life you are taking steps now to create.

The teachers had it wrong by the way, daydreaming is an essential element. It is not the waste of time the teachers told you… Let me spell that out so that I get you to understand... Daydreaming is an E-S-S-E-N-T-I-A-L part of creating the life of your dreams.

So go deeper, let’s say one part of your dream included owning a Ferrari. Know what Ferrari it would be, the colour (red of course), the model, the engine size. Now if you are driving then why not imagine what it will feel like to be driving your Ferrari, the feel of the leather, the sounds of the engine. There is no depth limit here, you can go in and smell the fumes if you like, deploy your senses.

It’s going to feel pretty good when you are in this part of your design, however, this is like a reward for you. It is for the down time in between you working diligently on your current job and in between you taking the steps required to bring your design into reality.

These are the basic steps to cultivating and creating the millionaire mindset. This is the mindset where you just know you will do it.

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