Sunday, November 27, 2011

How To Manifest Your Own Miracles
Power Brain Formula

Here’s how you can crack the money code, lose weight and even become photogenic.  The secret to manifestation is easier than you think… in fact, how it works is very similar to navigation systems you find in cars today.
Let me explain (understanding is an important key to manifestation). The whole process happens like this.
First, you tell the website the navigation system of your starting point.
The second thing you tell it is… your end result.
And the navigation system takes it from there. In a split second, the system calculates every possible road you could travel on. Takes into account every merging lane, speed limits and returns you the shortest, quickest, most harmonious way for you to get there.
The navigation system THEN literally speaks through your car’s stereo players to guide you through the route, telling you when to turn left or right UNTIL YOU ARRIVE!
SIMILARLY, this is how the Universe works when you give the Universe a clear end result of what you want in life. The Universe then instantly knows the entire sequence of events necessary to get you from where you are today to the manifestation of this end result. And this sequence will begin to play itself out once you start moving.

3 Steps To Manifesting Your Own Miracles

The process of manifestation is similar to how a navigation system works… here are the 4 steps on how to do it.
Step 1: Possess a clear end result
The first critical ingredient is to possess a crystal clear end result in your mind’s eye. As miraculously as the direction finder of the navigation system, it can’t help you until you first tell it where you want to go.
Clarity of what you want in life, especially when it comes to manifesting change is priceless!
Step 2: Move in the general direction of your dreams
Next, you must PHYSICALLY move in the general direction of what you want to ever see them come true. It’s not enough to just have a navigation system, give it an end result, sit there and hope your dreams fall into your hands.
If this is all you do, your car won’t move one inch. Your navigation system, no matter how miraculously and powerful it is, will do nothing for you in your life! Instead, you have to physically put your car in gear and physically move!
Step 3: Trust the system
Every single day, as you physically move in the general direction, you’re getting closer to your dreams. Once you plant the end result with the Universe and begin moving with it, gigantic wheels are set into motion for you behind the curtains of time and space.
It always works. Trust the system.
This entire cosmos is filled with thought stuff - a creative form of energy. Imagination is one of our mental faculties and it is the one we use to fantasize. An active imagination is able to build clear and vivid images. The most important step in building your fantasy is that you not concern yourself with how your fantasy is going to become a reality. Where the resources will come from is of absolutely no concern to you. Let the image evolve freely in your mind. Build the picture in color ... feel it, smell it, taste it, touch it ... all through the aid of your imagination.

Once you've built your fantasy, turning it into a theory calls for you to answer two questions: Are You Able? Are You Willing?

You could very easily be thinking, "Yes. But!" At this point, it's important to remember that you are stepping out of your comfort zone and attempting to go beyond the limits that your old belief system dictate... and whenever that happens, doubt, immediately followed by fear, enters the picture. To be able to answer this question in the affirmative--"Yes, I am definitely able," does not mean that you have to know how it will ha
ppen. There is no way that you could know how it will have never done it before, it's a brand new experience. The Wright Brothers didn't know how to fly when they fantasized themselves doing it! They just believed they could.

The second question: Are you willing? Are you willing to pay the price? Are you willing to make the sacrifices that will be required to turn your dream into a reality? And you know that there will be sacrifices. My mentor, Val Van De Wall shared with me that most people think sacrifice is giving up something. That's not true. Sacrifice is merely releasing something of a lower nature to make room for something of a higher nature.

The minute you answer--"Yes, I am able!" and "Yes, I am willing!" ... your fantasy moves to the next phase of creation and becomes a theory in your consciousness and, at this point, it turns into a goal.
The process of turning your fantasy to fact is ready to move into the final stage ... fact. From this point on, it becomes a lawful process. As you turn the image over to your universal subconscious mind by getting emotionally involved with the image, the laws of the universe kick into gear and begin to turn that image into physical form. The law of perpetual transmutation takes that image and begins to move it into form with and through you. Your vibration starts to change and that causes your behavior to change. Your new vibration sets up an attractive force and begins to attract to you all things requisite to the fulfillment of the picture, through the harmonious vibration of the law of attraction. Although you have no way of knowing exactly how it will move into form, faith and your understanding of the laws will create a knowing within you that it must move into form.

This is the very process that has taken us out of the cave and into the condominium. Let your mind play. Fantasize a much better form of life than you presently enjoy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Johns Hopkins Update - 

This is an extremely good article. Everyone should read it.
After years of telling people chemotherapy is the only way to try ('try', being the key word) to eliminate cancer, Johns Hopkins  is finally starting to tell you there is an 
alternative  way . 
多年以來人們一直被告知化療是治療癌症唯一值得去嘗試的方法(,成為了關鍵字), 但是Johns Hopkins 將告訴你其實存在著其他的方法來消除癌症.
Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins:Johns Hopkins 最新癌症研究報告:
1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer 
do not show up in the standard tests until they have
  multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients
  that there are no
more cancer cells in their bodies after 
  treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the
  cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable
2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime. 
3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer
will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and
  forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has
nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic,
  but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.
5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing  diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day
    and by including supplements will strengthen the immune system.
6.Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing
  cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells
  in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can
  cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc. 
化療不祇能毒殺快速增長之癌細胞,亦會一併消滅骨髓及胃腸道內之健康細胞,同時造成器官衰竭;如肝臟、腎 臟、心臟及肺臟等等。
7.. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars   and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs. 
8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often  reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of  chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction. 
9. When the body has too much toxic burden from  chemotherapy and radiation, the immune system is either  compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb  to various kinds of infections and complications. 
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to  mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.
11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.
a.Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made  with Aspartame and it is harmful
   A  better natural substitute  would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small  amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in
  color. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt. 
糖是癌的食物,若不食糖即刪除癌細胞很重要的一項食物供給。代糖如Nutra sweet, Equal spoonful等均是由Aspartame 組合而成的,是有害的。較好之天然代糖是 Manuka糖漿或Molasses糖蜜,但祇能取用少許。食鹽為使顏色變白而有化學添加物,較妥之選擇是海鹽。
b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the  gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting  off milk and substituting with unsweetened
soy milk cancer  cells are being starved. 
c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment.A meat-based  diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat,  like chicken.
   Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all   harmful !  especially to people with cancer. 
d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice,whole  grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment
   About 20% can be from cooked  food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and 
   reach down to  cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance  growth of healthy cells. 
  To obtain live enzymes for building  healthy cells, try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most  vegetables including  sprouts) 
  and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at  temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).. 
80%新鮮蔬菜及青菜汁之飲食;含全穀類、種子、堅果及少量的水果是有益於體質轉變為鹼性的,剩餘20% 可進食煮熟的豆類。新鮮蔬菜汁可提供活性酵素,活性酵素極易在15分鐘內被細胞組織吸收進而滋養增強健康細胞,為取得活性酵素強壯健康細胞應多飲用新鮮果菜汁(多樣蔬菜含豆芽),同時每天進食生青菜(未煮過)兩至三次。按:活性酵素在40 C時會被摧毀。

e. Avoid coffee,  tea,  and chocolate, which have high  caffeine
.Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer  fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or
  filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap  water.
Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of  
digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied  and leads to more toxic buildup. 

Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By  refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes  to attack the protein walls of cancer cells 
    and allows the  body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.  

14. Some supplements build up the immune system   (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals,   EFAs etc.)
  to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy  cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known   to cause apoptosis, or
  programmed cell death, the body's   normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or   unneeded cells. 

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.   A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior  be a survivor.
    Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put  the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life. 

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated  environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to  get more oxygen down to the cellular level. 
    Oxygen  therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells. 
1. No plastic containers in micro.
2.No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave..
Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This informatio! n is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially
breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat, He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food ,You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper ,The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
Please share this with your whole email list.........................
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins which is actually melt out from the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.
約翰霍普金斯已將這篇研究報告用新聞稿方式發佈,同時Walter Reed 陸軍醫學中心亦將這篇報告傳播.戴奧辛之化學物質會導致癌症尤其是乳癌。按:戴奧辛對體內細胞具很高之毒性,因而千萬別將裝有水之塑膠罐放入冰箱,因為它亦會將戴奧辛釋出。前不久Dr. Edward Fujimoto在電視節目中談到健康之風險,他就強調戴奧辛對健康是多麼有害,因而請千萬不要用塑膠容器放入微波爐加熱食物。這尤其是指含有脂肪之食物,當脂肪與高溫及塑膠結合時,塑膠即會釋放出戴奧辛並進入食物中,最終就進入體內之細胞。因而他建議使用玻璃器皿作為加熱食物用,因為它一樣可使食物變熱,然卻少了戴奧辛。紙是不錯的容器,然而你無法瞭解紙裡到底含有什麼物質,因而較安全之容器是冶煉過的玻璃器皿,如康寧器皿等,他提醒為何前不久速食店將泡沫塑料容器改為紙容器,其中戴奧辛就是問題之一. 同時他亦指出保鮮膜,Saran保鮮膜用於包裹食物,在微波爐加熱時亦是非常危險的,因為當食物用微波爐加熱時,高溫會讓毒素由保鮮膜溶解出來進入食物內,所以應用紙巾包裹食物作替代。

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Your brain waves improve when you're in a room with good Feng Shui"
Scientists have been saying for years that deep-seated, far-reaching benefits come from being in the alpha state of mind. That is, when your brain generates fewer beta waves and more alpha waves, you can perform better in most any area of life.
You can read at superfast speeds. You can write quicker and clearer. You can learn up to 50 times more efficiently. This is also the flow state where athletes break world records, actors move audiences to tears, scientists make stunning discoveries, business people make far-reaching decisions—where human beings perform almost supernaturally.
All the programs published by Learning Strategies help you access this almost magical state of mind—including, as astounding as it may seem, Diamond feng Shui.
Marie Diamond was perhaps the first feng Shui master to make this astonishing discovery. When you use her specific Diamond Feng Shui system on a room, it has an immediate and instant impact on the brain waves of anyone who enters the room.
When you are in a room with good Feng Shui your brain automatically begins producing more alpha waves, and conversely, when you are in a room with bad Feng Shui, your brain automatically produces more beta waves.
To test marie's theory, Paul Scheele hooked someone uo to a protable EEG machine that is used to measure brain waves. We use the device to help PhotoReaders read more powerfully in our PhotoReading Retreats.
The subject did not know the purpose of the experiment. When brought into a room with no Feng Shui activations or cures—in other words, a room with bad Feng Shui—her brain produced many spikes of beta brain waves. Beta waves cause chaos and concious mind activity that make it difficult to focus or be relaxed (Figure A).
Then they brought the subject into a room where the principles of Diamond Feng Shui had been applied. The beta waves of chaos began dissappearing in seconds. The brain began accessing alpha waves—automatically, with no effort on the part of the subject (Figure B).
This experiment showed that by simply being in a room with good Feng Shui, the brain begins performing at high levels.
It presented undeniable proof that the energy of our environment has a profound impact on each of us as individuals.
We clearly do not understand how the invisible energy that is around us all of the time affects our lives. We just know that it does. And, thanks to thousands of years of trial and error, and thanks to gifted people such as Marie Diamond who can actually see the invisible energy with their own eyes, the body of work called Feng Shui has been made available to help anyone live a better life.
While some of the cures and activations seem a little weird, they are probably no more far out than the electric light buld would be to someone from the 1700s. Imagine pushing a button that causes light a hundred feet away!. To us, it makes sense. To them it would not make sense, but they would soon know that pushing that button creates light, just like moving your bed can create wealth.
We here at Learning Strategies have been saying for years that deep-seated, far-reaching benefits come from being in the alpha state of mind. You can read at superfast speeds. You can write quicker and clearer. You can learn 50 times more efficiently. This is also the flow state where athletes break world records, actors move audiences to tears, scientists make stunning discoveries, business people make far-reaching decisions—where human beings perform almost supernaturally!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

When i was 5 yrs old, my mother always told me the happiness was the key to life. When i went to school, they asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up. I wrote down 'HAPPY' , they told me i didn't understand the assignment. And i told them they didn't understand LIFE - By John Lennon


GRANDMA'S  HANDS  (A "must read" )  

Grandma, some ninety plus years, sat feebly on the patio bench.. She didn't move, just sat with her head down staring at her hands.

When I sat down beside her she didn't acknowledge my presence and the longer I sat I wondered if she was OK.

Finally, not really wanting to disturb her but wanting to check on her at the same time, I asked her if she was OK. She raised her head and looked at me and smiled. 'Yes, I'm fine, thank you for asking,' she said in a clear voice strong.

'I didn't mean to disturb you, grandma, but you were just sitting here staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you were OK,' I explained to her.

'Have you ever looked at your hands,' she asked. 'I mean really looked at your hands?'

I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. I turned them over, palms up and then palms down. No, I guess I had never really looked at my hands as I tried to figure out the point she was making.

Grandma smiled and related this story:

'Stop and think for a moment about the hands you have, how they have served you well throughout your years.  These hands, though wrinkled shriveled and weak have been the tools I have used all my life to reach out and grab and embrace life.

'They braced and caught my fall when as a toddler I crashed upon the floor.

They put food in my mouth and clothes on my back. As a child, my mother taught me to fold them in prayer.  They tied my shoes and pulled on my boots. They held my husband and wiped my tears when he went off to war.

'They have been dirty, scraped and raw, swollen and bent.  They were uneasy and clumsy when I tried to hold my newborn son. Decorated with my wedding band they showed the world that I was married and loved someone special.

They  wrote my letters to him and trembled and shook when  I buried my parents and  spouse.

'They  have held my children and grandchildren, consoled neighbors, and shook in fists of anger when I didn't understand.

They have covered my face, combed my hair, and washed and cleansed the rest of my body. They have been sticky and wet, bent and broken, dried and raw. And to this day when not much of anything else of me works real well these hands hold me up, lay me down, and again continue to fold in prayer.

'These hands are the mark of where I've been and the ruggedness of life.

There’s one trait that everyone needs to have if they want to succeed, and that’s trustworthiness. Technically, it’s not so much being trustworthy, but being perceived as trustworthy, that matters. You can be as honest, fair, and reliable as the day is long, but if nobody else sees you that way, it won’t help you.
When your boss doesn’t trust you, you don’t get key assignments, promotions or the latitude to do things your own way and take risks. When your colleagues and employees don’t trust you, you don’t get their best effort, or all the information you need from them to make good decisions.
If you want other people to believe that you are trustworthy, you should be aware that you may be seriously undermining that belief if you appear to lack self-control. New research shows that people just won’t trust you when you seem like you might have a willpower problem. If you think about it, this makes a lot of intuitive sense. We trust people because we know that when things get hard, or when it might be tempting for them to put their own interests first, they’ll resist temptation and do what’s right.
Studies show that when you engage in behaviors that are indicative of low self-control, your trustworthiness is diminished. In other words, all those things you know you shouldn’t do — smoking, overeating, impulsive spending, being lazy, late, disorganized, excessively emotional or having a quick temper — may be even worse for you than you ever realized, because of the collateral damage they are doing to your reputation.
So if you want to be trusted, you’re going to have to conquer these trust saboteurs. To do that, you’ll need to understand how willpower really works, and how you can get your hands on some more of it.
The Secret to Earning Trust: Willpower
Your capacity for self-control is like the muscles in your body. Like biceps or triceps, willpower varies in its strength, not only from person to person, but from moment to moment. Just as well-developed biceps sometimes get tired and jelly-like after a strenuous workout, so too does your willpower “muscle.”
Even everyday actions like decision-making or trying to make a good impression can sap this valuable resource. So can coping with the stresses of your career and family. When you tax it too much at once, or for too long, the well of self-control strength runs dry, no matter who you are. It is in these moments that the doughnut (or the cigarette, or your hot temper) wins.
So if you are serious about resisting your unwanted impulses, start by making peace with the fact that your willpower is limited. If you’ve spent all your self-control handling stresses at work, you will not have much left at the end of the day for sticking to your resolutions. Think about when you are most likely to feel drained and vulnerable, and make a plan to keep yourself out of harm’s way. Decide, in advance, what you will do instead when the impulse strikes.
The good news is, willpower depletion is only temporary. Give your muscle time to bounce back, and you’ll be back in fighting form. When rest is not an option, recent research shows that you can actually speed up your self-control recovery, or give it a boost when reserves are low, simply by thinking about people you know who have lot of self-control. (Thinking about my impossibly self-possessed mother does wonders for me when I’m about to fall off the no-cheesecake wagon.)
Or, you can try giving yourself a pick-me-up. I don’t mean a cocktail — I mean something that puts you in a good mood. (Again, not a cocktail — it may be mood-enhancing, but alcohol is definitely not willpower-enhancing, nor trust-enhancing). Anything that lifts your spirits should also help restore your self-control strength when you’re looking for a quick fix.
The other way in which willpower is like a muscle (and the really great news for those of us trying to rid ourselves of a trust saboteur) is that it can be made stronger over time, if you give it regular workouts. Recent studies show that daily activities such as exercising, keeping track of your finances or what you are eating — or even just remembering to sit up straight every time you think of it — can strengthen your capacity for self-control. For example, in one study, people who were given free gym memberships and stuck to a daily exercise program for two months not only got physically healthier, but also smoked fewer cigarettes, drank less alcohol, and ate less junk food. They were better able to control their tempers, and less likely to spend money impulsively. They didn’t leave their dishes in the sink, didn’t put things off until later, and missed fewer appointments. In fact, every aspect of their lives that required the use of willpower improved dramatically.
So if you want to build more willpower, start by picking an activity (or avoiding one) that fits with your life and your goals — anything that requires you to override an impulse or desire again and again, and add this activity to your daily routine. It will be hard in the beginning, but it will get easier over time if you hang in there, because your capacity for self-control will grow. Other people will notice the change, and trust you more.
Armed with more willpower and the trust of those around you, you’ll be more successful than ever before.
most people doom their chances for success by starting with negative thoughts. They start with the fact that they don’t like something about themselves. They fixate on it, and decide to be unhappy until they fix it.  Without happiness, you miss out on all of the happiness advantage: increased energy, improved self-efficacy, higher resilience, improved immune system and greater consistency.  Here are three ways to use happiness to improve your health and achieve your health goals.
#1  Start with happiness.  If you are going to start a diet or exercise plan, start with happiness. Make a list of the attributes you like about yourself which will help you accomplish the goal. For example, “I like that I’m good convincing my friends to have fun” means that you might want to use that skill set to start a running group or inspire a friend to be a workout buddy.  In The Happiness Advantage, I describe how positive brains have 31% higher levels of productivity, higher pain tolerance, 3 times the levels of creativity, are 90% more likely to live to 85, and their symptoms feel less acute.  You can apply this human potential bump to your diet and exercise goals, instead of starting at a deficit as your brain records how unhappy it is about your current health.
#2 Change your mindset.  Stick with me on this one, make the exercise or diet fun. As Dr. Z says, “By prioritizing happiness, you increase the chance of achieving the health outcome you seek. But happiness is in the mind so you must work on your brain before your body.”  That sounds harder than it is. I like lifting weights because you can see the results quickly. But I hate sitting on a bike reading. I should say “hated,” because I just got a kindle. I don’t know how people have the agility to turn physical pages on an old fashioned book while swinging on an elliptical machine, but biking and kindling is even easier than learning to ride a bike. I bought fun books, that grab my attention, and now, I actually find myself not only starting with cardio, but I finish my workouts by biking when I need to know what happens in my book. Now I look forward to reading, so I’m looking forward to biking.
#3 Reward yourself. Make sure that your reward is not food related. The goal for this is to keep the happiness fueling you throughout the process, not just months/years later at the completion of your goal. If you don’t have happiness fueling you, your brain will get bored or frustrated.
Which comes first, happiness or health? The happiness advantage research is clear. If you do not start with happiness, you’ll miss out on both.
3 “surprising good-for-you” foods that scientists have discovered to enhance the brain’s mental functions:

1.      Coffee
If you’re trying to kick your java habit you might want to reconsider. A recent Finnish study of 1,400 longtime coffee drinkers reveals that people who sipped between three to five cups of coffee a day in their 40s and 50s reduced their odds of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 65 percent compared with those who downed fewer than two cups a day.
Researchers believe that coffee’s caffeine and ample antioxidants are the keys to its protective affects.

2.      Eggs
The incredible edible egg appears to do incredulous things for your brain. Whole eggs are not only high in protein, and low in calories, but they are also rich in Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. B vitamins may help prevent inflammation and aid in the new brain cell development. Look for eggs such as Eggland’s Best Eggs, or other “higher” omega-3 fatty acids eggs (they even taste better). Recommendation: 4 whole eggs per week.

3.      Chocolate
You’ve heard the good news that chocolate can lower your blood pressure. Now researchers have discovered it can also keep your mind sharp.
A 2009 Journal of Nutrition study found that eating as little as one-third of an ounce of chocolate a day (the size of about two Hersey’s kisses) helps protect against age-related memory loss. They credit polyphenols in cocoa with increasing blood flow to the brain.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

World's 38 UNSEEN Places, Truly Amazing!
1. Ebenalp, SwitzerlandA Restaurant! 
2.  Lauterbrunnen Valley ,  Switzerland
 3. Thunersee , Switzerland
4.  Blue Caves – Zakynthos Island , Greece
5.  Plitvice Lakes , Croatia
6.  Riomaggiore , Italy
7.  Preachers Rock,  Preikestolen , Norway
8.  Skaftafeli ,  Iceland
9. The Dark Gorge, Salzburg , Austria
10.  Ice Canyon ,  Greenland
11. Seljalandsfoss Waterfall on the South Coast of Iceland
12.  The town of Kotor in Montenegro
13.   Church of St. John (Sveti Jovan) at Kaneo beach  overlooking  Lake Ohrid ,  Macedonia
14.  Lucca ,  Italy
15. Chamonix Mont-Blanc ,  France
16. Gulfoss in Iceland
17.   Moraine Lake , Alberta , Canada
18.   Berry Head, Avalon Peninsula ,  Newfoundland , Canada
19.  Capilano Suspension Bridge ,   Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada
20.  Valley of the Ten Peaks, Moraine Lake ,   Alberta , Canada
21.   Marble Caves , Chile Chico , Chile
22.   Cenote , Mexico
23. Verde River, Guadalajara , Mexico
24. Gruta do Lago Azul ( Blue Lake Cave ), Bonito(Beautiful), 
       Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
25.  Wadi Hitan Whale Valley , Egypt
26.  Bamboo Forest ,  Kyoto ,  Japan
27.  Sandstone Cliffs,  Zion
        National Park ,  Utah , USA
28.  Hang Ken Cave , Vietnam
29.  A restaurant near Sanyou Cave above the Chang Jiang River, Hubei , China
30.  Shanxi , China
31. Yuanyang Rice Fields , China
32. Hanging Cliff Path, China
33.  China  
34.  Petra ,  Jordan
35.   Cappadocia , Turkey
36.  Antelope Canyon , USA
37.   Steptoe Butte , USA
38. Horseshoe Bend , USA