Friday, February 24, 2012

Wheat pollard is removed from wheat to produce white  flour.
Rice bran is removed from paddy to produced white rice.
These are the most beneficial and nutritious part of the food.


Carried on Friday, 27-August-2010 by Daily Mail , UK
Black rice is low in sugar but packed with healthy fibre and plant compounds
that combat heart disease and cancer, according to scientists
Black rice - revered in ancient China but overlooked in the West - could be the greatest 'superfoods', scientists revealed today.
The cereal is low in sugar but packed with healthy fibre and plant compounds that combat heart disease and cancer, say experts.   Scientists from Louisiana State University analysed samples of bran from black rice grown in the southern U.S. They found boosted levels of water-soluble anthocyanin antioxidants.

Anthocyanins provide the dark colours of many fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and red peppers. They are what makes black rice 'black'.
Research suggests that the dark plant antioxidants, which mop up harmful molecules, can help protect arteries and prevent the DNA damage that leads to cancer. Food scientist Dr Zhimin Xu said: 'Just a spoonful of black rice bran contains more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, but with less sugar, and more fibre and vitamin E antioxidants. 'If berries are used to boost health, why not black rice and black rice bran? Especially, black rice bran would be a unique and economical material to increase consumption of health-promoting antioxidants.' Centuries ago black rice was known as 'Forbidden Rice' in ancient China because only nobles were allowed to eat it. Today black rice is mainly used in Asia for food decoration, noodles, sushi and desserts. But food manufacturers could potentially use black rice bran or bran extracts to make breakfast cereals, beverages, cakes, biscuits and other foods healthier, said Dr Xu. When rice is processed, millers remove the outer layers of the grains to produce brown rice or more refined white rice - the kind most widely consumed in the West. Brown rice is said to be more nutritious because it has higher levels of healthy vitamin E compounds and antioxidants. But according to Dr Xu's team, varieties of rice that are black or purple in colour are healthier still. They added that black rice could also be used to provide healthier, natural colourants. Studies linked some artificial colourants to cancer and behavioural problems in children. The scientists presented their findings today at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston . Victoria Taylor, senior dietician at the British Heart Foundation, said: 'In reality, it's unlikely there's a single food out there that will have a great impact on lowering your risk of heart disease. Healthy eating is about a balanced diet overall. 'It's great if you can eat more of some groups of healthy foods, like having five portions of fruit and vegetable a day, but there is still no conclusive evidence that 'super foods' alone make a real difference to your heart health.'

Monday, February 20, 2012

How Relaxation Creates Financial Abundance
Written by Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher
Would you like to receive more financial abundance from the Universe? Would you like to be free from stressful financial issues forever? The secret to becoming Financially Receptive is to embrace a state of relaxation instead of stress about your current financial state. That's right! The more you relax into and surrender through your current stressful relationship with money, the more your energy field expands and opens, naturally attracting more prosperity into your life.
"When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears." ~ Anthony Robbins
The energy of relaxation carries a high vibration that instantly shifts you into a receptive state and consequently allows the Universe to fill your request for abundance. On the other hand, when you are stressed, you automatically shut down your manifesting channels, repelling that which you want to manifest. Vibrationally speaking, what you want to attract literally cannot get into your field because the energy of stress blocks it. So relax...really relax.... going infinitely deeper and deeper into it. Allow the feeling of any financial burden to be lifted from your life forever.
"The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." ~William James
The good news is that it is easy to relax and it feels soooo good to do so! Relaxation is your natural state, and therefore you can effortlessly tap into the part of you that is always relaxed and knows that you are divinely supported. Deep relaxation is something we ALL look forward to, yet how frequently do you give this gift to yourself? Can you simply decide to let yourself relax more than you ever have before this month? When you MAKE TIME to relax, you open up your field to receiving more abundance from the Universe.
"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
Simply let yourself decide when you are going to relax this week. Claim your space! Before you relax it's always good to recite this all-powerful financial affirmation, "The more naps I take, the more money I make!" Here are three techniques to relax about your current finances, and thus receive more abundance from the Universe:
1. Relax your Body and Mind through Conscious Breathing 
Whenever you notice you are worrying about money, stop what you are doing and begin to do deep breathing. The very act of breathing takes you deeper into your body. Breathing anchors you into your physical form, which is abiding in the God-Source that is always here now. This Source is the most loving, abundant state you'll ever find. So take a moment right now and take 3 deep breaths. With each breath, breathe in relaxation, and with each out-breath, release any stress or tension you have. Do you notice a feeling of deeper peace in your body yet? Breathe deeper and include all of the thoughts and emotions that you're stressed about. Breathe until you can feel the peace. Then, let in this glorious peace because you deserve it!! This will center you, and automatically re-open your energy field to receive the abundance that is wanting you.
2. Experience Gratitude for the Abundance You Do Have
One of the most powerful ways to open up your ability to receive more abundance is to relax into the energy of gratitude. The act of feeling grateful for the money that you DO have instantly shifts the energy in every cell of your body, as well as those electrons in your bank account! As you flood your body-mind with gratitude, you start to feel complete and whole on the deepest levels. When you are thankful, you know that your "cup runneth over", and are no longer in the habit of desperately searching for ways to fill it up. The old world unconscious search for something to fill you up is what creates the lack in your bank account. This yearning, needing, and searching feeling creates stress in your body which blocks the abundance you are here to receive. Connecting with deep feelings of gratitude means everything is already perfect exactly as it is, and that manifesting more money is not the most important thing in life. This concept frees you from money, and on one level instantly makes you financially free! So every time you start to strive for more abundance in your life, stop... and be grateful for what you already have. You'll see how effortless it is to receiving more financial prosperity down the road.
3. Daily Visualize Receiving The Prosperity You Desire
Visualization supports your entire mind-body in relaxing, and thus receiving more abundance because it creates a blue-print for success in your subconscious mind. When you create a mental movie of what the abundance you want looks and feels like, your subconscious believes that this mental movie is your current reality. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination. When you imagine biting into a spicy taco, you start to salivate right? Your mind believes and knows that you are ALREADY abundant right now, your whole body goes "Ahhhhhhhh" and simultaneously starts magnetizing what you want in your life. The key to a highly effective visualization is to connect strong feeling states to the pictures that you create in your mind. So take a moment right now and see yourself manifesting what you do desire. Feel it in your body and keep turning up the volume on the strong abundant and positive feelings this imagery creates.
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." ~ Wayne Dyer

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Laughter is an instant vacation!" - Milton Berle
When was the last time you laughed? I'm not talking about a chuckle
or a smirk. I'm talking about a good, hard belly laugh. Remember
the last time you laughed until you cried - doesn't just the memory
of that feel good?

Some statistics tell us that children laugh 300 times a day, adults
only 15. Others say children laugh 146 times a day and adults 4.
Whatever the actual numbers are, it's clear that we, as adults, are
not having much fun! And I'm willing to bet that many adults aren't
making the statistical average these days - even as low as it is -
especially if they listen to the news and get caught up in negative
conversations, of which there are plenty to be had if you succumb.

Laughter is good for the soul and the body. Science tells us that
laughing has many health benefits, among them the release of
endorphins and decreased blood pressure and stress hormones (70% of
diseases are stress-related).

But laughing is not something you should do because it's good for
you - it's something you should do because it feels good.
Actually, it feels great and it provides an instant connection to
the Flow. We know that the Rich Mind Life Strategy course can seem
quite serious at times, but recognize that we want you to be light
about your life - don't take it so seriously. You can almost always
find humor in a situation if you look for it.

What makes you laugh? Rent it, watch it, read it. Who makes you
laugh? Call him, meet her for lunch, play with your kids or your
pets. Lighten up - feeling better is just a belly laugh away!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mark Zuckerberg’s 6 Ingredients For Success

Saturday, February 4th, 2012
Editor’s note: Contributor Ashkan Karbasfrooshan is the founder and CEO of WatchMojo.  Follow him @ashkan.
Leadership guru Warren Bennis asked whether leaders are born or made. When asked if Wall Street would accept a young Mark Zuckerberg in his early 20s as CEO, Facebook investor Peter Thiel said: “Well, we’ll wait until he’s over 25 to file”.  Wise move, considering that Mark’s title on his business cards read “I’m CEO, bitch”.
This week Facebook filed its S-1 to go public.  Mark is 27.  How Mark managed to launch a social networking site after Friendster had crashed during MySpace’s zenith has been widely chronicled.  What’s been less discussed is how Mark mastered the six requirements to succeed, namely Ambition, Vision, Determination, Execution, Luck and Timing.
“The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the scythe”, Russian Proverb
The foundation and building block of any successful person is Ambition, or the desire for personal achievement.
People are driven by success, recognition, respect, money, power or fame. If you believe everything in The Social Network, Mark launched Facebook to level the playing field at Harvard and to succeed at getting girls.  Success is relative, subjective and fluid; over time Mark’s definition of success grew to match his brainchild’s imprint.
Wearing your ambition on your sleeve will get you cut off at the knees, but ambition is required to succeed; the challenge is channeling it properly and managing your emotions around it.  When the Winklevoss twins first hired Mark to build their social networking site, Mark never revealed his ambitions to build his own site.  It was only later – far too late for the Winklevoss – that Mark revealed his true ambition.
A design glitch allowed MySpace users to customize their profiles.  But that mixed blessing created a cacophonous environment which made users welcome Facebook’s clean interface.
Facebook wasn’t visionary in any revolutionary sense of the word.  Where Facebook deserves credit was that Mark et al. recognized the need for a real directory of people, not merely users.  Before Facebook it was nearly impossible to actually find people, you could “google” them but finding the person you wanted within one search wasn’t a given.  We now take it for granted, but that extension of people search and connecting them was certainly evolutionary, and it’s worth noting that most successes are not radically new but extensions and improvements of existing paradigms.
The critics may note that Mark sometimes lacked charisma.  In this context, charisma is a subset of vision:  it allows you to convince others to buy into your vision, but charisma in and of itself is not a requirement to succeed, it’s an accelerant or amplifier.  In Mark’s case, he has had the good fortune to let Facebook’s massive growth rates do the talking for him.
“Stay Focused, Keep Shipping”, Mark Zuckerberg
When you look back to Facebook’s functionality when it launched, it was bare bones.  Facebook has added features while scaling users, literally changing jet engines at 30,000 feet without missing a beat.  It’s easy to laugh at missteps like Beacon or the privacy dossier and fail to appreciate the velocity at which Facebook has evolved and grown.
To quote President Calvin Coolidge:
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Back in 1995, Steve Jobs added: “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance”.
Determination, drive, tenacity or persistence is the most important variable, demonstrated by  Mark through his: relentless coding early on to launch Facebook to catch the Winklevoss brothers off guard; adding colleges; attacking MySpace; defending against the subsequent lawsuit from the twins;  repeated encroaching into people’s privacy (which remains one of Mark’s Achilles heels).  But, to his credit, he has repeatedly not cared or believed in himself enough to charge ahead no matter what.  Mark is a constant reminder that it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
So those were the first four traits: largely innate, can be learned, and things you can control.  But without the next two, you won’t succeed.
“A great fortune depends on luck, a small one on diligence”, Chinese Proverb
In sports and in business, luck can be your best friend or your undoing.
Let’s face it: Mark’s had a horseshoe up his butt.  Luck made him run into Sean Parker, who introduced him to Peter Thiel, without whom as an ally and first outside investor it’s unlikely he would have remained CEO to this day.
But you create your own luck, or when lady luck smiles down on you, you seize the opportunity.
Google wasn’t the first search engine, YouTube wasn’t the first video sharing site and Facebook certainly wasn’t the first social network.  Geocities, Tripod, Friendster, Tribe Networks, MySpace are just some that come to mind.
Mark’s managed the clock all along: slowing down the Winklevoss brothers; launching Facebook on Harvard first to then expand to other colleges; relocating to California; refusing Viacom and Yahoo!’s offers; closing his deal with Microsoft.
While the comparisons to Google’s IPO are understandable, Google ushered a new Internet Bull run whereas Facebook’s is coming at the tail end of Zynga, Groupon, LinkedIn, Demand Media and Pandora’s – none of which have fared particularly well.
However, much like Google’s IPO made it the Internet stock bellwether, Facebook will become the de facto stock pick of individual and institutional investors, pushing demand to justify the lofty price-to-earnings and price-to-sales multiples.
There you have it: success = ambition + vision + execution + persistence + luck + timing; with the first four being things you can control and the last two being externalities that you cannot.
While I’ve praised and criticized him and Facebook, as a fellow entrepreneur, Mark is someone all builders look up to and admire despite his obvious mistakes – reminding me of the Michael Jordan quote: “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Mark Zuckerberg is the founder and CEO of Facebook, which he started in his college dorm room in 2004 with roomates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Zuckerberg is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for Facebook. He leads the design of Facebook’s service and development of its core technology and infrastructure. Earlier in life, Zuckerberg developed a music recommendation system called Synapse and a peer-to-peer client called Wirehog. However, he abandoned both to pursue new projects.