Friday, March 30, 2012

The 4 M’s of Happiness.”  are:

1. Mindset:  The pros and the stars consciously and consistently choose thoughts and feelings of optimism, positivity, gratitude, and appreciation.  They know that a high-energy mindset translates into a great performance.

2. Meaning:  The dancers feel inspired by what they are doing.  They’re focused on something that’s purposeful and meaningful to them.  They always speak about the joy that they experience being on the show.

3. Movement:  Moving the body is good medicine. It produces big doses of happiness chemicals, and counteracts the stress chemicals that produce doubt, fear, and insecurity.  

4. Membership:  All the dancers and all of us watching are part of a like-hearted group of people.  Feeling connected to others, having good relationships, and experiencing a sense of belonging are all fundamental to living in a state of happiness.   

You and I can use the exact same principles to expand our happiness no matter what’s going on in our lives.

Try the 4 Ms of Happiness on:

Mindset:  Check out your mindset.  Are you staying optimistic and positive?  Are you bringing gratitude into your life regularly?  Try setting an alarm on your cell phone (a nice musical one) to schedule “thank you moments” into your day.

Meaning:  What gives you meaning?  Are you doing something every day that inspires you, helps you feel on purpose?  Fill in this sentence:  “My life feels meaningful when I __________,” and incorporate that activity into your life on a regular basis.

Movement:  Are you moving your body?  Stand up right now and stretch. Go outside and get some fresh air a few times during your day.  Dance a little (or at least shake your body) while you’re out there.

Membership:  Are you a member of something?  Connect with people who share your values.  Consider joining a group of like-hearted people – perhaps volunteer at an animal shelter or take an improv class or join a hiking club.

Though you may not get called upon to kick up your heels in front of millions of weekly viewers, when you start minding your 4 Ms, you’ll definitely create more opportunities to smile, enjoy and be happy for no reason.

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