Friday, March 30, 2012

you can cut your risk of having a stroke in half by doing the following four things: being active for 30 minutes a day, eating five daily servings of fruit and vegetables, and avoiding cigarettes and excess alcohol.
While those are some of the obvious steps you can take to age well, researchers have discovered that centenarians tend to share certain traits in how they eat, move about, and deal with stress—the sorts of things we can emulate to improve our own aging process. Of course, getting to age 100 is enormously more likely if your parents did. (Recent research suggests that centenarians are 20 times as likely as the average person to have at least one long-lived relative.) Still, Thomas Perls, who studies the century-plus set at Boston University School of Medicine, believes that assuming you've sidestepped genes for truly fatal diseases like Huntington's, "there's nothing stopping you from living independently well into your 90s." Heck, if your parents and grandparents were heavy smokers, they might have died prematurely without ever reaching their true potential lifespan, so go ahead and shoot for those triple digits. Follow these 11 habits and check out Perls' lifetime risk calculator to see how long you can expect to live.
1. Don't retire. "Evidence shows that in societies where people stop working abruptly, the incidence of obesity and chronic disease skyrockets after retirement," says Luigi Ferrucci, director of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. The Chianti region of Italy, which has a high percentage of centenarians, has a different take on leisure time. "After people retire from their jobs, they spend most of the day working on their little farm, cultivating grapes or vegetables," he says. "They're never really inactive." Farming isn't for you? Volunteer as a docent at your local art museum or join the Experience Corps, a program offered in 19 cities that places senior volunteers in urban public elementary schools for about 15 hours a week.
2. Floss every day. That may help keep your arteries healthy. A 2008 New York Universitystudy showed that daily flossing reduced the amount of gum-disease-causing bacteria in the mouth. This bacteria is thought to enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammation in the arteries, a major risk factor for heart disease. Other research has shown that those who have high amounts of bacteria in their mouth are more likely to have thickening in their arteries, another sign of heart disease. "I really do think people should floss twice a day to get the biggest life expectancy benefits," says Perls.
3. Move around. "Exercise is the only real fountain of youth that exists," says Jay Olshansky, a professor of medicine and aging researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago. "It's like the oil and lube job for your car. You don't have to do it, but your car will definitely run better." Study after study has documented the benefits of exercise to improve your mood, mental acuity, balance, muscle mass, and bones. "And the benefits kick in immediately after your first workout," Olshansky adds. Don't worry if you're not a gym rat. Those who see the biggest payoffs are the ones who go from doing nothing to simply walking around the neighborhood or local mall for about 30 minutes a day. Building muscle with resistance training is also ideal, but yoga classes can give you similar strength-training effects if you're not into weight lifting.

The 4 M’s of Happiness.”  are:

1. Mindset:  The pros and the stars consciously and consistently choose thoughts and feelings of optimism, positivity, gratitude, and appreciation.  They know that a high-energy mindset translates into a great performance.

2. Meaning:  The dancers feel inspired by what they are doing.  They’re focused on something that’s purposeful and meaningful to them.  They always speak about the joy that they experience being on the show.

3. Movement:  Moving the body is good medicine. It produces big doses of happiness chemicals, and counteracts the stress chemicals that produce doubt, fear, and insecurity.  

4. Membership:  All the dancers and all of us watching are part of a like-hearted group of people.  Feeling connected to others, having good relationships, and experiencing a sense of belonging are all fundamental to living in a state of happiness.   

You and I can use the exact same principles to expand our happiness no matter what’s going on in our lives.

Try the 4 Ms of Happiness on:

Mindset:  Check out your mindset.  Are you staying optimistic and positive?  Are you bringing gratitude into your life regularly?  Try setting an alarm on your cell phone (a nice musical one) to schedule “thank you moments” into your day.

Meaning:  What gives you meaning?  Are you doing something every day that inspires you, helps you feel on purpose?  Fill in this sentence:  “My life feels meaningful when I __________,” and incorporate that activity into your life on a regular basis.

Movement:  Are you moving your body?  Stand up right now and stretch. Go outside and get some fresh air a few times during your day.  Dance a little (or at least shake your body) while you’re out there.

Membership:  Are you a member of something?  Connect with people who share your values.  Consider joining a group of like-hearted people – perhaps volunteer at an animal shelter or take an improv class or join a hiking club.

Though you may not get called upon to kick up your heels in front of millions of weekly viewers, when you start minding your 4 Ms, you’ll definitely create more opportunities to smile, enjoy and be happy for no reason.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

When you create a spark of hope a chain reaction begins.

•   Our physical bodies respond and begin to create new energy
•   Our brains start creating new ideas and desires
•   We begin to feel a bit more powerful (that maybe we do have the ability to
     create change, no matter how small)
•   The energetic particles in the air around us begin to move and change
•   And unseen forces begin to align with our hope
•   And ALL of this is automatic!

Try to create a tiny spark of hope in one area of your life right now.

All you have to do is keep the spark alive and the other things will automatically

It is so important to start small.

So many people have big dreams and big ideas (and I love this) –

BUT, as we learn to powerfully create we must start small or our big hopes and
dreams can come crashing down on us and destroy our hope.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pears are very much like apples – sweet, succulent and juicy. Because they are available all year round, one can easily enjoy the health benefits that the pear fruit can offer.
There are different varieties of pears: Bartlett, Bosc, Comice, Seckel and Anjou.
  • Bartlett pears are the most common ones. This is a juicy and sweet kind of pear usually with a green skin that tends to turn yellow when it ripens. Sometimes, a blush of red could be seen too. This is the kind of pear that is canned.
  • Bosc pears are most common during winter time. Their matted skin is brownish-yellow in color and their flesh is creamy white. This type of pear is most often used in baking and cooking.
  • Comice pears are considered as the best pears for eating. Their skin is smooth and their flesh is really sweet.
  • Seckel pears are the smallest in size, with spicy, sweet and grainy flesh. This type of pear is also good for cooking.
  • Anjou pears are all-around pears. They are good both for eating and cooking purposes. Their colors stay the same whether they are raw or ripe and they possess a sweet, juicy taste.
But regardless of the variety, what is important is that you get the health benefits that a pear can offer you.
Nutritional Facts of Pears
Pears are rich sources of fiber – the water soluble kind. They also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E as well as minerals such as niacin, boron, folic acid, potassium, copper and phosphorus. Trace amounts of sulfur, sodium, magnesium, iron, chlorine and calcium can also be found. The iron content in each pear variety is different. As soon as you cut a pear in half, observe the way it turns brown. If the pear you just bought did not turn brown, this means that the iron content is either non-existent or very low.
Pears have higher pectin content compared to apples. This gives pears the ability to help lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) inside the body. And because it has high fiber content also, it helps with digestion and also aids in intestinal toning. The pear fruit is also hypoallergenic and it is considered as a safe fruit to be introduced to infants who are already starting to eat.
How to Buy Pears
Buying pears may be tricky. After all, you really can’t tell whether the fruit tastes good simply by looking at it from the outside. The physical appearance of the fruit alone does not speak volumes on how it was handled – from growing, harvesting and storing. However, you can develop a critical eye once you know what to look for in a pear when buying.
First things first: do not buy a pear with a bruised or broken skin. An unappealing skin may tell you that it may have been handled too roughly and might have taken a bad fall. Then, choose unripe pears. Choose the ones that are still hard and then leave them to ripen off in your kitchen counter at home. If you want to accelerate the ripening process, place the pears inside a paper bag but do not refrigerate. Instead, let them ripen at room temperature. Once they have ripened, store them inside the refrigerator to keep them fresh – just remember not to let them become too ripe that they become too mushy for consumption.
Health Benefits of Pears
Aside from the refreshing flavor that you can get from eating pears, the most important reason for you to indulge in one is because it is good for your health. The pear fruit offers a lot of health benefits, and here are some of the very best ones:
  • It Fights Free Radicals
    Free radicals are by-products of the oxidative process, and which can cause damage to our body cells. These substances are said to be the culprits in the development of certain health conditions such as heart disease, cancer and premature aging. Pears are very rich in copper, vitamin C and vitamin K which act as potent antioxidants that offer the cells the protection that it needs.
  • It protects the Heart
    As previously mentioned, pears are rich sources of water soluble fiber. The fiber acts as a sweeper, sweeping away bad cholesterol and flushing it out of the body. This claim has been supported by studies, all one in saying that the fiber in pears has a protective effect on the heart. Furthermore, eating pears can reduce a person’s risk of having a stroke by up to a whopping fifty percent!
  • It Helps Fight Cancer
    Pears also help reduce the risk of developing colon cancer through its fiber content. The chemicals from the food that we eat and which are now found in the colon binds to the fiber in pear and are then flushed out of the body. Numerous studies conducted among post-menopausal women revealed that regular consumption of fruits that are rich in fiber, such as pears, can lower the woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.
  • It Helps Control Diabetes
    The low glycemic index of pears makes them the most suitable snack of choice for people diagnosed with diabetes. It does not cause an abrupt spike in blood sugar levels thereby helping control the levels of blood glucose of a diabetic patient. Plus the fact that it is not too sweet, a pear can satisfy a sweet tooth’s craving in a much healthier way compared to cakes and ice cream.
  • It prevents constipation
    Looks like the fiber alone in pear is enough to give one a lot of health benefits! Once again, the fiber helps in improving the function of the digestive system, allowing for proper digestion and elimination. Plus, the pectin content of the pear fruit exerts a mild laxative effect. Regular consumption of pear juice helps in bowel movement regulation.
  • It provides energy
    The glucose and fructose found in pears provide natural and quick bursts of energy all throughout the day.
  • It reduces risk of osteoporosis
    Boron found in pears aids the body in retaining calcium, which is necessary for strong bones.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Love is a game that two can play and both win.
~ Eva Gabor

Saturday, March 10, 2012





(三)審視生活中的 70% ─

一部高檔手機,70% 的功能都是沒用的;

一款高檔轎車,70% 的速度都是多餘的;

一幢豪華別墅,70% 的面積都是空閒的;

一個科研單位,70% 的設備都是擺樣子的;

一堆公務人員,70% 都是混飯吃的;

一所大學,70% 的教授都是扯淡的;

一大堆社會活動,70% 都是空虛無聊的;

一屋子衣物用品,70% 都是閒置沒用的;

"Turn within and you will become free and liberated, because it's all a dream."  ~Robert Adams
We all come into this world with a purpose and mission.  Your existence is not by chance.  There is a very important reason why you are here.  Your life is not a coincidence, and who you are was not an accident.  Everything and everyone in this Universe is needed exactly the way it is, in order for the whole existence to be complete and sacred as it truly is.  The Universe does not make mistakes.  It is a highly intelligent matrix of conscious energy that is continuously unfolding in absolute perfection.
I've come to the understanding that every soul who has incarnated on this planet, is here to heal themselves and help others heal themselves.  There would be no other reason for all the wars, violence, emotional trauma and mental wounding that occurs if the final goal wasn't to experience healing.  Nothing is by chance. The way your trauma happened was perfect, as it happened for you, not to you.  Playing the victim role is only seeing one side of the coin.  The most empowering truth to discover is that you have the power to be pain free!  You are the grand master artist who is forever sculpting the clay with each and every moment you're alive.
If you don't stop to make the healing of your inner world a priority, you end up become a talking/walking wound that easily bleeds whenever another says or does the "wrong thing".  When you can recognize that you are still carrying a pain, you are becoming more sensitive, more conscious, and able to feel the seething wound buried in your emotional body.  Your willingness to be a warrior for healing your past means one important thing.  That you care about you!   The initial choice to look inside and find true peace with past emotional pain will one day skyrocket your vibration so you can manifest a truly joyous, and loving abundant life, that is deeply fulfilling as well. 
Perhaps the best reason of all to look inside and deal with your demons is to that it opens the door to Enlightenment.  When you create lightness in your emotional body, it yields to natural feelings of freedom, self-love, immense joy, happiness and a profound state of bliss that naturally follow soon after.  The enlightened state is nothing to scoff at, for it is a meeting with the God Source itself in complete harmony and unity. A whole healed body and mind is simply an open receptive vessel for the divine to enter.  It is the only way a higher enlightened state of consciousness can come in and remain rooted in you.  You cannot sit and meditate in bliss with the God Source when your past self is trying to steer the karmic wheel, still furious about "what happened" back then, screaming obscenities in the basement of your subconscious mind.
The key is know that nothing is by chance.  The past relationships where you played the "angry-victim" game was necessary for you to create a wound to heal. Without a wound you couldn't have the sacred enlightening experience that your soul signed up to have on Earth. Your job however, is not to keep playing that same old game.  You are here to discover your innate power to heal yourself.  It's as simply as changing how you respond to everyone in any turbulent triggering situation.
Every situation you encounter is an opportunity to dive deeper inside and heal any wound festering inside you.  Simply make the conscious intention that this is what you want to manifest and it will come to you. There are no real victims in the world of conscious co-creation.  You created your interpretation of why things happened to you (instead of for you) so you also have the power to reverse that.  You are responsible for everything you've manifested thus far.  I've found the results we manifest is all based on your karma from actions in this life (and even past lives) combined with the level of consciousness you continue to have, hold and entertain today.
So true healing leads to easier manifesting.  When you take on a deep mental and emotional cleansing, you find a higher spiritual understanding instantly follows.  You may not at first understand how something as simple the intention to have deep peace with your past can lead to such a high transcended experience such as enlightenment, yet it will.  When you're 100% at peace with your past you've just liberated the tight confining restraints the struggling ego has on you and your life. Its tricky to see, yet the ego is always in charge here, especially when you think you are!  Yet, when you surrender to walking this healing path bathing in daily forgiveness, the ego has to give in and recognize that you're connected to an infinite abundant loving God-Source already.  Below are 3 essential steps that will take you deeper on your trek towards the self-healing process...enjoy!
The First Step to healing you is recognizing where and when you initially created the wound.  You don't have to know exactly the time, place or date, just the general feeling will do. Yet, you will want to take at least 2-3 hours alone to look deep deep inside yourself, exploring where you're still holding onto past pain. During this time start to own the fact that you created this pain, and you are 100% responsible for its manifestation.  Even though it may appear you're The Victim in your personal circumstance, don't go down that path. To fully heal you must drop all disempowered beliefs. This means that you're accepted that it was "a role" you chose to play at the time, which enabled the wound and trauma to occur, and thus inadvertently later would empower you to play the opposing role of the healer who transcended it.
The Second Step to healing you is sitting with your pain, relaxing into the very core trauma inside it let it have a voice.  Your pain has a wonderful story to tell. Let it speak from the pain without buying into its victim game and story.  Do this out loud and journal it if possible. To experience a full healing, you must go through hell to find heaven. You must sit still in the fire of that emotional pain you keep having to be freed from it.  Remember that this fire is a cleansing fire, that burns away the ego that is ruining your life and creating all sorts of extra unnecessary suffering.  Sit in the fire, let your ego burn away into nothing.  Release your identification with the angry victim held in those past memories.  Those thoughts are only creating an emotional daily turmoil inside that you cannot escape from.  So decide to face it and meet this energy head on!  You will feel soooo much better tomorrow...waking up naturally knowing you faced and embraced your greatest demon.
The Third Step to healing you is creating a new healthy pattern and belief system that supports a more empowered way of living in this world.  Your beliefs about life are very powerful, and manifest into the thoughts you think and the words you speak.  When you can understand, know and believe that you are an extremely powerful being who can heal yourself simply by making the continuous choice to do so, the miracle of healing will happen.  You are pure conscious awareness which nothing can stick to.  You are like Teflon, which can transcend all suffering letting it glide right off.  Play with this empowered enlightening state daily and you'll accomplish the great feat of true inner peace.  You won't ever think of complaining about anything or blaming others for your problems again.  That action would just make the outer world more powerful than your inner world.  Instead you'll choose to abide in the knowingness that at your very core, you are The Source of love itself.  There is no energy more healing than love. Know this and you'll stop being so harsh, sarcastic, and rushed about everything.  You'll stop believing in the lie that you created and recognize how extremely sensitive, sacred and lovable you actually are. 
Perhaps the greatest hidden issue to reveal on this journey is that your wound is your story. When you are so wrapped up in the habit of believing in your personal (yet very validated) victim story that you would rather hold onto it than forgive, take this as the ultimate warning sign.  Remember, it's extremely terrifying for the ego to let go of its story.  It would rather die than retreat.  Holding onto the past really means survival for the ego.  Letting go means to stop playing a certifiable victim-blame game and be BIG again.  Letting go of the little wounded "me" means releasing all attachment to your ego's expectations, demands, and desires.  You're instead choosing to come from a state of trust and surrender, sharing with others the unlimited creative loving nature you truly are.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,
it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity."
~ John F. Kennedy