Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The dictionary defines persistent 
as... "Refusing to give up or let go;
persevering obstinately".Being 
really persistent requires 
developing a kind of tunnel vision 
so that our entire focus is on the 
goal and we can see nothing but
finding the way of achieving that 

When striving to reach a goal 
there will always be challenges to 
be met, hurdles to be jumped, or, 
even, the occasional unavoidable 

Like a roadmap that shows us the 
way to get from point A to point 
B, our best laid plans wont show 
us all the pitfalls and obstacles 
along the way.

However, the only way to avoid 
getting to a desired goal, if you 
have a good plan, is to stop 
working toward it or to return to
square one.

Persistence assures your arrival 
at your desired goal.

Persistence is fueled by passion. 
Its always a good idea to check 
just how committed and passionate 
we are from time to time. If that
passion needs to be rekindled
so that we can stay persistent in 
pursuing our goals we need to 
throw some fuel on the fire. 

Persistence is essential if you
are to be successful.

Friday, July 6, 2012

101 Personal Development Tips To Improve Your Life!

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101 Personal Development Tips To Improve Your Life
  1. If you don’t eat breakfast, make it your first new habit. It doesn’t have to be cold cereal or something prepackaged – try fruit, some quick scrambled eggs, or a bagel with cream cheese – but be sure to take advantage of this meal to start your day with high energy.
  2. Try going on a gluten-free or vegan diet for a week to see how you feel. Research shows that over-processed grains tend to impede digestion, so avoid wheat and barley. You might experience a rise in energy levels and overall improved health.
  3. Get cooking. Borrow some cook books from your local library, take some webinars, or just try out interesting online recipes. It’s much better for you than eating out.
  4. Buy yourself a planner. You’re more likely to remember things if you actually write them down (no, typing doesn’t count). You might even enjoy the opportunity to check off tasks as you complete them – it gives you a sense of accomplishment.
  5. Start a garden. If you don’t have a backyard, start it in a window box. Herb gardens are easy and they yield a lot of fresh flavor.
  6. Once you have a garden, start composting. Your biodegradable waste products can act as useful fertilizer.
  7. Become a volunteer. If you already do this, branch out to another location. You can choose from a wide variety of venues, such as nursing homes, children’s hospitals, animal shelters, soup kitchens, or Parks & Rec programs.
  8. Take time every day to do something for yourself. Read for pleasure, make a cup of hot tea and relax, or get some sun on the back deck.
  9. Work on your communication skills. There’s always room for improvement, so edit your e-mails for clarity and conciseness.
  10. Go to your local home improvement store, pick out some paint chips, and tape them to your kitchen walls. After a week has gone by, choose a color and give the room a new paint job. Spontaneity and change are good for everyone.
  11. Go to conferences and listen to lectures to stay current in your field of expertise. No matter how much experience you have, there’s no substitute for knowing what’s new.
  12. Take up a new sport. Try free running, disc golf, or rock climbing. You won’t have to invest much in equipment, and the rules are easy, so you can focus on having fun and getting some exercise.
  13. Learn a new language. Ancient Greek may be a “dead” language, but many English words are derived from it. Learning about the roots of words can improve your vocabulary and understanding of the English language.
  14. Start saving for retirement now. This is one of those things that shouldn’t be procrastinated, no matter how many figures are in your salary.
  15. Rearrange the furniture in your home. It’s a quick and easy way to change the scenery and beat boredom.
  16. Start doing yoga. If you already do, try power yoga. You’ll get rid of the day’s frustrations, make your muscles happy, and feel more peaceful.
  17. Clean out your closet and donate unwanted items to a local charity. You’ll have a lot more space and others will be happy to benefit from your generosity. An added bonus is the excuse to shop for new clothes.
  18. Improve your vocabularyDictionary.com has a word-of-the-day section (do you know what aeromancy means?) and vocabulary.com has resources and fun daily challenges.
  19. Listen to classical music while you work. Try theclassicalstation.org for free online streaming (no matter where you live) and knowledgeable DJs.
  20. Become a faster typist. Online typing games are fun and help you improve your skills. You might even get work done faster, leave earlier, and beat the traffic.
  21. Join or form a book club. The advantage of forming one is that you get to pick the first book.
  22. Start an emergency fund. You never know when you might need a big chunk of change. Even if you never have an emergency, you’ve got another savings account.
  23. Stop worrying about what other people think. That’s their business, and your business is being yourself.
  24. Go to the nearest aquarium, aviary, or zoo and learn some animal facts. You’ll be surprised at what you didn’t know about giraffe tongues.
  25. Stay on top of your oral hygiene. Brush and floss regularly to avoid painful visits to the dentist, and ask your dentist to recommend a toothpaste for your specific needs.
  26. Send gifts to people you know. When you’re out shopping and see something that would make a friend smile, buy it and give it anonymously.
  27. Improve the quality of the air around you. Get an air filter to keep irritating and potentially harmful particles out of your nose, airways, and lungs.
  28. Decide what you want in life and go after it. Don’t be too picky about your choices – you know what you want, so get out there and chase it.
  29. Pick up some self-development audio courses and listen to them in the car. Drive time is usually wasted, but it’s easy to make use of it.
  30. Learn to play a new instrument. The piano is a great choice because it’s easy to learn, but difficult to master. Piano skills also apply to many other instruments, and you can even take piano lessons online.
  31. Become a more informed global citizen: learn the capital of every country, take geography quizzes to fill in blank maps, and learn to match each country to its flag.
  32. Enjoy the little things. New office supplies, a different flavor of coffee creamer, or a haircut can do the trick.
  33. Clean out your car. Driving to work every morning in a cluttered vehicle is sure to start each day with unnecessary stress.
  34. Do one thing every day that scares you. Consistency may be comfortable, but it won’t teach you anything.
  35. Compliment other people. You’ll learn to see the best in them, and they’ll appreciate your kindness.
  36. Go to a restaurant that serves a type of food you’ve never tried before. Jump in and order something that scares you.
  37. Lift weights at least three times a week. You don’t have to join a gym; just buy a dumbbell and switch arms. For bicep curls, four sets of ten is the ideal amount to gain muscle mass.
  38. Prioritize your daily tasks. Tackle the most important and difficult ones first, then the ones you don’t like. You’ll feel accomplished, and by the end of the day, you’ll be stress-free and working on easy, enjoyable tasks.
  39. Become a mentor. You’re an expert in something that someone else out there wants to learn, so why not volunteer your time and knowledge?
  40. Never “talk small” about yourself. Underestimating your abilities is an open invitation for others to do the same.
  41. Keep plants indoors at home and at work. They produce extra oxygen, get rid of carbon dioxide waste, and brighten up the room.
  42. Get to know your parents. Even though you grew up with them, there are a lot of things about them you don’t know. They’re wise resources, so take advantage of them.
  43. Have an opinion. And not just any opinion – be well informed about what’s important to you, don’t apologize for being knowledgeable, and don’t be afraid to tell others what you think.
  44. Leave your social networking sites alone for a week. Every time you’re tempted to click, call a friend and schedule some real face time.
  45. Neutralize negativity. It’s easy to think you’re being “realistic” when you’re actually a pessimist, so try to see things as being even better than they are. What do you have to lose?
  46. Get tasty antioxidants by eating dark chocolate. It has less sugar than most candies and can actually improve your health.
  47. Enjoy your body and take good care of it. It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own.
  48. Read a biography of a person you admire. You’ll learn more about why you admire them and get some tips on how to adopt a similar lifestyle.
  49. When tackling difficult tasks, divide them into manageable sections. This will make your work seem less overwhelming.
  50. Go out to see a jazz band. It’s a beautifully relaxing genre of music that will have you tapping your foot and buying new CDs.
  51. Adopt a pet from a local animal shelter. If you already have a pet, teach it a new trick (cats can fetch, too). Pets are great companions and teach you caring skills.
  52. Stop buying unhealthy, expensive coffee drinks from the corporate world. Support local coffee shops or make your own, and avoid those flavored syrups.
  53. Keep a journal. It’s a healthy outlet for creative ideas, lets you express yourself, and shows you how much goes on in your mind every day.
  54. Go camping. If you don’t have a tent, find a friend who does and plan a weekend escape powered by granola bars and beef jerky.
  55. Give money away. Sure, it’s important to save money, but it feels great to give. Choose a cause that’s important to you and make consistent donations.
  56. Turn off the TV. Why just watch other people doing jobs they enjoy? You could be investing TV time in the interest of getting your dream job.
  57. Buy a book on a topic that’s always interested you, but that you’ve never really learned about. There’s no time like the present.
  58. Get help when and where you need it. If you’re new to something, chances are that someone you know can help you get started.
  59. Take dancing lessons. You never know when you might need to spontaneously ballroom dance for impressive company. Plus, you’ll improve your coordination.
  60. Don’t waste your time on jealousy. There’s always someone out there who is better at what you’re doing. Focus on what’s unique and positive about the way you do your job.
  61. Drink enough water and eat your fruits and vegetables. Create your own food pyramid based on your specific nutritional needs and stick to it.
  62. Finish what you start. If you begin to learn a new skill, re-decorate your bathroom, or even read a book, make sure that it gets done.
  63. Take frequent breaks. Once you’ve completed a task, reward yourself with some time away from work.
  64. If you’re holding grudges, let go. Forgiving the people around you for petty grievances will go a long way toward improving your outlook on life.
  65. Buy tickets to an orchestra concert or opera. This is an experience everyone should have at least once in life.
  66. Don’t worry about the future. Worrying is ineffective and can only hurt you.
  67. Plan a trip to a foreign country. If life is a book, experiencing only one country is equivalent to reading only one page. Learn about and appreciate other locations and ways of life.
  68. Get rid of one credit card. Having too many can spell disaster for your finances, so keep the number at a minimum (1-3).
  69. Give aromatherapy a try. It can reduce stress and help prevent colds and other minor health problems. Lavender is a good choice for when you want to calm down.
  70. Learn to laugh at yourself. Play Quelf or another zany board game with your family or friends – you’ll learn just how funny everyone can be.
  71. Build others’ confidence. Ask coworkers, friends, or family members to teach you something they’re good at.
  72. Pay attention to people who give you advice. You may not always want to take it, but it’s free wisdom from experience.
  73. Find an interesting radio show that grabs your attention, then work it into your schedule. Try on “This American Life” for size or browse NPR.
  74. Make your own business cards that advertise YOU, not your company. As a unique individual, you have assets beyond your job title, so why not acknowledge them professionally?
  75. Sleep better and longer. Use a natural supplement like Melatonin (available at your local pharmacy) to relax before bedtime.
  76. Take up a hobby to challenge yourself. Try online courses or local community college classes that demand creativity.
  77. Set aside some “me” time and go to the spa, get a manicure (guys can get away with it), or indulge in new skin care products. A daily facial sunscreen means better skin later in life.
  78. Stop making excuses. More importantly, stop believing your excuses, move past imaginary obstacles, and give yourself the full spectrum of possibilities.
  79. Smile often. It will improve both your mood and your appearance.
  80. Find the nearest art gallery, take a friend, and go browse through the paintings and sculptures. It’s a fun and edifying experience.
  81. Become aware of your breathing. Use exercises to calm down in stressful situations.
  82. Start eating organic produce. Pesticides and chemicals can damage your stomach lining and digestive tract, so try to avoid them as much as possible for your physical wellbeing.
  83. Vary your routines. Try shifting exercise time from morning to evening. You can also be spontaneous with meal choices.
  84. Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Take responsibility for your own life, wellness, and finances.
  85. Get a professional massage. Muscle knots cause discomfort and massages can even help detoxify your body.
  86. Find out which historical sites are in your local area. Read up on them, then go visit.
  87. Watch your body posture. If you’re slumping, try to correct it. You can purchase an exercise ball and use it as your desk chair to improve posture.
  88. Try living more sustainably. Conserve water at home by checking for leaks, watering plants with excess water from the shower, taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth, etc.
  89. Buy a book of puzzles you’ve never tried before. If you’re a crossword junkie, try Sudoku, and vice versa.
  90. Learn the constellations and set aside some free time at night to go stargazing in an unpopulated area. You’ll witness stunning beauty and escape the suburbs for some quality alone time.
  91. Manage your e-mail account by creating folders and sorting messages as you receive them. Set specific times for checking it so you’re not constantly wasting time by keeping it open.
  92. Go on a date. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re already in a relationship; dates are fun and keep things fresh.
  93. Drink organic milk. It lasts longer in your refrigerator and has more Omega3, vitamins, and antioxidants.
  94. Join a public speaking society like Toastmasters. The skills you learn can apply to anything from acing interviews to playacting.
  95. Organize a charity event. It can be anything from a yard sale (donate proceeds to a charity) to an elegant ball. Be sure to involve your friends, coworkers, and family.
  96. Find value in yourself rather than in your belongings. You’re not defined by what you have, but by who you are.
  97. Take a nap to replenish your energy supply. This can last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes and will prevent you from crashing.
  98. Avoid work overload. Your friends and family need to spend time with you, so don’t let overtime come between you and healthy relationships.
  99. Remember compliments you receive. You may want to keep a collection of cards and letters of recommendation you’ve received.
  100. Take good care of your feet. Wear shoes that fit and avoid footwear that causes you harm. Indulge in some insoles to prevent aches at the end of the day.
  101. Be patient. Good effort isn’t always rewarded right away, but improving yourself is a worthy cause, so keep at it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Here are 4 techniques that 
those of us who are always 
stressed out can use to help calm 
ourselves down:

1. Spend 15 minutes a day doing
some form of meditation. There 
are many benefits to meditation,
but a very big one is stress 
reduction. You'll live a longer, happier
healthy life!

2. One technique is to listen to 
uplifting music. Listening to 
music that not only has a  
soothing melody, but an uplifting 
message, can help to soothe our 
frazzled nerves and calm our

When times get tough, I often 
think of Wilson Phillips classic, 
"Hold On", but there are dozens of 
good ones out there. Choose music 
and lyrics that are hopeful.

3. Another technique is to read. 
Books on strength, personal power,
enlightenment, or self help can be 
good resources to help you change
your outlook and the things you 
say to yourself.

Rather than triggering habitual 
self-defeating thoughts, you can 
find yourself thinking of new
can-do concepts when times get 
tough. The Motivated mind would be 
a good choice.

4. Surrounding yourself with 
positive people can help with 
stress, too. Ideal friendships 
provide support when youre down, 
fun when youre up, wisdom when
youre lost, and positive  energy 
that reduces stress.

Good friends can inspire you to 
reach greater heights, and see your
strengths even when you dont. Pay 
attention to how your friends make 
you feel, and if theyre less than
supportive, start putting your
energy and time toward people who 
will make  you feel better.