Sunday, May 13, 2012

6 Steps to an Effective Online Business

6 Steps to an Effective Online Business
Creating and running an effective online business is realistically comprised of several hundred, rather than 6, but this will serve as a guide for the direction of your efforts. Contrary to what you may hear rampantly on the Internet, there is no cookie-cutter, get-rich quick scheme on the web. Not only is every online business different, what works for one person or in one month may not work for another person or in the next month.
The Internet is constantly changing, and the online market is inherently different this year than it was last year. New technological improvements occur monthly, and impact the online business environment. What works for one individual when he is the first to sell a certain product a certain way may not work just six months later when he has sold his idea to 40,000 other marketers, and they all begin to promote it. Traffic generation tactics are significantly different than they were just a year ago, and hardly resemble profitable strategies three years ago.
These 6 Steps are simply the bare-bones skeleton of what has to happen for your online business to be successful. They are foundational, and although the implementation strategies are different today than several years ago, the basic steps remain the same.

1. Develop or discover a product

You must find a product that meets today’s needs. A 5 year old product whose resell rights you can buy for a dollar or get for free probably won’t meet the needs of today’s consumers. You must be willing to pay for the rights to sell a current , useful product, or become an affiliate marketer, where you promote a popular product, and in exchange are paid a percentage of the income from the sale.

2. Determine how the potential customers can view your product and see a sales presentation

If you develop your own product or purchase the rights to sell someone else’s, you will need a website. A few tips here: Rather than accept free web hosting, purchase your own domain name and pay to have your domain name and web site hosted by a professional web hosting company with a reputable history. If your free web hosting company goes bankrupt, they generally take your fledgling business with them.

3. Once you have your web site up and running, unless you are using an affiliate program that supplies a sales page, you must develop a sales script and web copy

Aside from your web hosting decision, this is probably the most important thing you can do. You may be tempted at first to write a sales pitch on your own, but unless you already have a lot of experience in the offline market writing effective sales letters, you need to, absolutely must, invest in a few courses on web copywriting. Be willing to spend some money upfront on learning this skill. Too many marketers try to wing it in this area and after a few months of losing money online, finally break down and purchase the knowledge to write a good sales pitch. Do it the other way around—buy the knowledge first, and start making sales from the beginning. Customers will not buy just because you have a web site—they buy from the web site that does the best job of convincing them it has the best product for their need.

4. You must develop a traffic source that works

When you first begin, you may be on a shoestring, and that is OK. Assuming you have been willing to spend some money on sales letter writing and a decent web host, you may be able to skimp in the traffic arena for awhile, if you have plenty of time. If you do not have money to advertise, nor time to seek out low cost advertising, you probably shouldn’t be attempting an online business. If you do choose to go the low-cost route—know two things up front—the returns are really low and you will spend vast amounts of time on traffic generation. Once you begin to make sales, you must invest your income in paid forms of traffic generation. If you do not, you will run out of enthusiasm for generating the free traffic, and without reinvesting the income from your first sales into advertising, you are sure to fail. Good sources of low-cost, but time consuming traffic are: writing articles and posting them to article directories, low cost classified ads, and ezine ads. You may see hyped-up ads for thousands or visitors for a low cost or millions of banner ads for another reasonable price—both of these methods may have worked 2 years ago, but they are a sure waste today.

5. Once you begin to get traffic to your online business site, you must keep detailed records of where the traffic comes from, and what percentage of visitors from each source are purchasing your product

If you have visitors that cost you $50 per hundred to come to your web site, but on average they only purchase $25 per hundred visitors, the income may feel good, but you are not profitable, and are losing money. By tracking your expenses on each type of visitor and by tracking your revenue on the same sources of visitors, you can determine which campaigns need changes or need to be eliminated and which need to be increased in intensity.

6. No get rich quick mindset

By following this pattern of steps, and by keeping diligent records (there is plenty of good web site tracking software on the market that can help you do that), you can develop a profitable online business. Again, it will not happen overnight, and you will not get rich quick. However, if you build a solid online business with a solid foundation, and are willing to spend some money learning how to do it right, you really can become successful in business online.
 Would love to know what you think about building a profitable business. Please share and comment.

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Monday, May 7, 2012

4 things that you can let go of that will 
make you a happier, more peaceful person by the 
time you hit the sack tonight:

1) Let go of the need to impress others. 

If you're a human being, chances are you care about 
what other people think of you. 

After all - we are naturally social creatures!

But if you find yourself spending too much of your 
time, money or energy trying to impress other people 
and get their approval, you're not being true to YOU.

There's no need to try and be something you're not, 
because who you are right now is FABULOUS!

Focus instead on living the most authentic version 
of yourself. 

When you fully embrace who you are and share it with 
others, you'll find that people will appreciate how 
REAL you are and will flock to you effortlessly. :)

2) Let go of the need to be right. 

Sometimes when we feel we've been mistreated or 
misunderstood by someone, we can get caught up 
into wanting that person to admit they've 
wronged us.

And we want an apology! 

Or at least acknowledgement that we are right and they're
wrong. :)

The problem is that not all human beings see things 
from the same perspective. In your world, you're 
right… but in their world, so are they.

There are definitely times where an apology is necessary. 

But most other times, rather than allowing feelings of 
negativity to take root inside you and start spilling 
over into other areas of your life, it may be best to 
ask yourself this:

"Do I want to be right? Or do I want to be happy?"

Often it's just our ego that keeps us holding on to past 
resentments and upsets. Instead, consider letting go of 
the desire to be right and you'll find you'll instantly 
restore happiness and contentment in your life.

3) Let go of the desire to gossip. 

I've heard it said that gossip is just a cheap way to make 
yourself feel good, and I have to agree. 

We all know that gossiping about other people is… well, not 
so good. 

But when the people around you are doing it, it can be easy to 
slip into doing it too!

Consider though that the quality of your life depends on the 
quality of the conversations you have.

If you want to live a more fulfilling life, start by embracing 
the power of your word. Your voice is powerful! And what you 
have to say makes a difference.

Be committed to having more positive conversations about 
things that matter… not people… and you'll be surprised how 
quickly you'll brighten your outlook on life.

4) Let go of the past. 

It's easy to dwell on the past, especially when the future is 
so unknown! 

Looking to the past can feel safe… we know what has happened 
and we know what we could do to change things… if only we 
had the chance. 

The truth is though that you never will have the chance to 
change the past. 

Not unless scientists finally invent a time machine. ;)

Your past has served its purpose - its brought you to the 
place you are today and made you the person you are now. 
And who you are right now is absolutely perfect. 

Be grateful for your experiences, but know that NOW is all 
you have. So do your best to enjoy each moment. Give 
yourself the gift of being present! 

Friday, May 4, 2012

頓時醒悟:人生苦短 !!!!!