Spoons Full of Love
The term "wooden expression" usually describes someone whose face is as devoid of emotion, as difficult to read, as a block of wood.
The centuries-old Welsh tradition of lovespoon carving, imbues that expression with a different meaning. Needing a tangible way to demonstrate their feelings for the women they loved, young men carved them elaborate wooden spoons as tokens of their affection. Into chunks of timber, they infused emotions and sentiments that were difficult to express verbally.
For these ardent but inarticulate beaus, lovespoons represented the very essence of wooden expression. More than a way to express emotion though these love spoons also served as a declaration of intent: a desire to share a life and a tangible financial commitment.
This lens explores the tradition of lovespoon carving, examinng symbolic meanings, and showcasing the work of modern practioners of this fascinating art and folk custom.
The centuries-old Welsh tradition of lovespoon carving, imbues that expression with a different meaning. Needing a tangible way to demonstrate their feelings for the women they loved, young men carved them elaborate wooden spoons as tokens of their affection. Into chunks of timber, they infused emotions and sentiments that were difficult to express verbally.
For these ardent but inarticulate beaus, lovespoons represented the very essence of wooden expression. More than a way to express emotion though these love spoons also served as a declaration of intent: a desire to share a life and a tangible financial commitment.
This lens explores the tradition of lovespoon carving, examinng symbolic meanings, and showcasing the work of modern practioners of this fascinating art and folk custom.
Carving a Place in the Heart
Lovespoon Symbols and Meanings
David Western's Intricate Lovespoon Artistry
Royal Wedding Spoon
Jenkins Lovespoons: Delicate, Exquisite
Watch Some Lovespoons Being Carved
Mike Davies Lovespoons: Fit for Royalty
Scoop Up Some More Lovespoon Info
Cadwyn Lovespoons: Traditional Designs
A Little Welsh Immersion Course
Lovespoons: What Do You Think?
A Few Welsh and Celtic Tunes
Lovespoon Symbols and Meanings
David Western's Intricate Lovespoon Artistry
Royal Wedding Spoon
Jenkins Lovespoons: Delicate, Exquisite
Watch Some Lovespoons Being Carved
Mike Davies Lovespoons: Fit for Royalty
Scoop Up Some More Lovespoon Info
Cadwyn Lovespoons: Traditional Designs
A Little Welsh Immersion Course
Lovespoons: What Do You Think?
A Few Welsh and Celtic Tunes
Carving a Place in the Heart
Welsh Lovespoons: A Centuries Old Tradition
I wonder what made that first young suitor decide that carving a spoon would win him the heart of his chosen maiden? It does seem a little random, at first glance. Why a spoon, rather than some other eating utensil or even -- eureka! -- a personal adornment of some kind? Whatever the original source of inspiration, the custom clearly caught on, and a tradition begun centuries ago flourishes today.
Earliest documented evidence suggested that the Welsh tradition of lovespoon carving started in the mid-17th century. While not the only nation (or even the first) to adopt this folk custom, the Welsh embraced lovespoon carving with a vigor and purpose that is unmatched.
Wales' version of the mating dance began, as the ritual usually does, with a man falling for a woman. To notify her of his intentions, and to "sell" himself, he would carve and present her with a special spoon. Initially, these spoons might have been simply-decorated cawls -- soup spoons -- but eventually, the competition became more fierce and the stakes were raised. Carvings became more detailed as suitors strove to present themselves and their abilities in the best possible light.
Heart motifs were among the earliest designs, but over time, lovespoons became more elaborate, incorporating more symbols and more complex messages. Bells, birds, flowers, wheels, vines, and knots combined to form intricate carvings saturated with meaning.
A major challenge when making a lovespoon was to carve it entirely from one piece of wood, with no joins or additions. The more involved the design, the more skill was needed, and the more desirable the token. The task would have been difficult enough if the design elements were static, but they weren't. Many spoons had moving parts, such as varying numbers of links or caged balls, with the number of balls or links directly related to the sentiment. For example, two balls in a cage symbolized the couple; more balls might refer to the carver's hopes for a specific number of children.
A young man sits at his rough stone hearth, brow furrowed in concentration as he carefully chips away at a piece of wood. As he carves, images of his beloved fill his thoughts, obscuring the spoon on which he lavishes such care, His hand trembles. A single moment of distraction can destroy his love token and one careless knife stroke shatter the purity of his offering. His finished spoon must spring from a single piece of wood and the tiniest crack will ruin it.
While glimpses of mutual interest might spur the would-be lover to began his labors, often he had to gamble. After all, lovespoons were statements of intent, so a certain element of risk came with the territory. In addition, a desirable conquest might well receive lovespoons from multiple suitors. Not much different, really, than today's belles, who might "go steady" or even become engaged multiple times before settling on a life partner. Sometimes, these objects of affection wore their objects of affection strung on ribbons at the waist -- like so many scalps on a belt.
Today, the tradition of carving and giving lovespoons has grown beyond the original scope of an engagement gift. Lovespoons are given to mark many different occasions: anniversaries, weddings, births, and personal milestones. The expanded purpose has generated many new symbols and refinements of older ones.
The craft has grown also -- from folk art to fine art. Women carvers have joined the traditionally male domain and are producing extraordinarily beautiful and original work. New ideas, interpretations, and concepts have inspired modern carvers to create increasingly complex designs. Yet, whether simple or complicated, these lovespoons retain the original spirit and warmth of their predecessors. They remain what they always have been: tokens of love.
The Left Coast Eisteddfod Lovespoon
Featured here is the 2011 Portland Eisteddfod lovespoon carved by David Western of David Western Lovespoons. Each year, Dave designs and carves a special lovespoon to help raise money for the "Left Coast Eisteddfod", a Welsh-American Performing Arts and Culture Festival. A small donation to the group purchases a chance to win the current year's spoon. The 2011 raffle may be over, but I'm thinking ahead to 2012...
Read more about the fascinating evolution of this new spoon, which incorporates the 3 winning entries from a competition soliciting motifs. The spoon is a beauty.
Read more about the fascinating evolution of this new spoon, which incorporates the 3 winning entries from a competition soliciting motifs. The spoon is a beauty.
Lovespoon Symbols and Meanings
By combining selected symbols and motifs it is possible to create a lovespoon whose message represents exactly what you wish to say. As with traditional fan or flower language, romantic and very personal sentiments can be expressed in these lovely, non-verbal ways.
Settled love, eternal devotion and security.
Wedding bliss and anniversaries.
Love birds; or let's go away together. Stork represents a birth.
Number of children hoped for. Also: the family unit, safely protected.
Like the harp and the daffodil, the castle symbol here is used to represent Wales.
Captured Love
The soul.
Blessing of a couple's union; faith in their marriage; symbol of religious faith.
Growth; gentleness
Wealth or good forune
The loving couple
Shared love; love is returned; two people living as one.
A couple together forever.
Protection. Also a symbol of Wales
Symbol of Wales
Represents Wales through music and song
True love; the carver's heart belongs to his loved one.
Fulfilled love
Good luck; happiness.
My home is yours.
Living together after marriage. My house is yours.
Everlasting love.
Two lives linked together forever.
Pledge of security and care.
Safe voyage through life
My Heart is Yours
A promise to work and provide for his intended.
The couple and hoped for offspring.
Togetherness; two lives entwined..
Two people sharing the same feelings.
Growing together
Willingness to work. Also: couple will stay on a safe course.
Settled love, eternal devotion and security.
Wedding bliss and anniversaries.
Love birds; or let's go away together. Stork represents a birth.
Number of children hoped for. Also: the family unit, safely protected.
Like the harp and the daffodil, the castle symbol here is used to represent Wales.
Captured Love
The soul.
Blessing of a couple's union; faith in their marriage; symbol of religious faith.
Growth; gentleness
Wealth or good forune
The loving couple
Shared love; love is returned; two people living as one.
A couple together forever.
Protection. Also a symbol of Wales
Symbol of Wales
Represents Wales through music and song
True love; the carver's heart belongs to his loved one.
Fulfilled love
Good luck; happiness.
My home is yours.
Living together after marriage. My house is yours.
Everlasting love.
Two lives linked together forever.
Pledge of security and care.
Safe voyage through life
My Heart is Yours
A promise to work and provide for his intended.
The couple and hoped for offspring.
Togetherness; two lives entwined..
Two people sharing the same feelings.
Growing together
Willingness to work. Also: couple will stay on a safe course.
David Western's Intricate Lovespoon Artistry
David Western, who was born in Wales but now lives in Victoria, British Columbia, has been carving lovespoons for more than 20 years. He says carving them is his passion and comments, "My lovespoons are not souvenir trinkets; they are art which also celebrates both my client's personal stories and my hard-earned skills as a craftsman and designer."
Also on David's site: a video of him discussing his art.
NOTE: For some unexplained reason, the hot link to this site sometimes fails. if you click on the picture and receive an error message, please cut and paste the following into your browser to reach the site. I apologise for any inconvenience, but I promise that the carvings you will see and the information presented on the site will reward the extra step. http://www.davidwesternlovespoons.com/www.davidwesternlovespoons.com/Home.html
Also visit David's Blog for an in-process look at his current projects. You can also reach his web page from the blog.
Be sure to visit David's blog, for his moving account of a commission he received for a spoon that would be a final gift from a terminally ill woman to her dear friend.
The lovespoons pictured above represent a tiny sampling of his designs, many of which are individual commissions created to mark a special event or deeply personal experience of his client.Also on David's site: a video of him discussing his art.
NOTE: For some unexplained reason, the hot link to this site sometimes fails. if you click on the picture and receive an error message, please cut and paste the following into your browser to reach the site. I apologise for any inconvenience, but I promise that the carvings you will see and the information presented on the site will reward the extra step. http://www.davidwesternlovespoons.com/www.davidwesternlovespoons.com/Home.html
Also visit David's Blog for an in-process look at his current projects. You can also reach his web page from the blog.
Royal Wedding Spoon by David Western
A Personal Challenge
David Western received suggestions that he carve a special spoon for the nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton. He chose not to, saying, "Because they don't know me and I don't know them, an unsolicited gift to a couple who would prefer donations were made to charity didn't seem at all the right thing to do. "
However, the idea of a royal wedding spoon piqued his creativity in a way he couldn't entirely resist. Ultimately, he did create such a spoon -- not as a gift or to sell, but as a personal challenge. See the full lovespoon with David's explanation of his ideas and the symbolism used. It's a beauty and the insights into his thought processes are enlightening.
However, the idea of a royal wedding spoon piqued his creativity in a way he couldn't entirely resist. Ultimately, he did create such a spoon -- not as a gift or to sell, but as a personal challenge. See the full lovespoon with David's explanation of his ideas and the symbolism used. It's a beauty and the insights into his thought processes are enlightening.
David Western's NEW Book
Available for Pre-Order
I'm so excited about this book. It's not due out until July 2012 but it can be pre-ordered now. Stunning photographs and lore by someone who is not only a master carver but thoroughly knowledgeable about the subject of lovespoons. David Western is also an experienced blogger and has already published one authoritative book on this subject, so I'm positive this will be another winner.
Dylan Thomas Classic
A Child's Christmas in Wales
CD production of Dylan Thomas' beloved story includes a pop-up village as part of the packaging. Three original songs were written for this audio rendering of the story; they are performed by vocalist Suzi Stern. The complete text of the story is also included. Lovely gift; lovely to keep. You might want to get two!
Jenkins Lovespoons: Delicate, Exquisite, Full of Meaning
Laura Jenkins-Gorun of Jenkins Lovespoons creates ethereal lovespoons from her studio in Worthington, Ohio. In addition to selling her work online, she attends the occasional fair or festival; she also accepts commissions. Among her current projects is a collaboration with David Western on the 2010 Eisteddfod lovespoon. When designing lovespoons, Laura feels "one of the most important things is the message it sends - the general 'rule' is, its symbolism must be meaningful to both the giver and the recipient."
Mike Davies Lovespoons: Fit for Royalty
For more than 35 years, from his workshop in Wales, Mike Davies has carved lovespoons of stunning intricacy and detail. Recognized as a master in his field, he has carved one-of-a-kind pieces for a variety of clients and occasions, including presentation to members of the British Royal Family, celebrity couples, and museum collections. A few of his designs are pictured here; visit his site and prepare to be mesmerized by the display.
Scoop Up Some More Lovespoon Info
Resources. We've Got Resources.
Where to Buy Lovespoons (Carvers and Shops)

Read More About Lovespoons
Learn to Make Your Own Lovespoons
- Cadwyn Gifts
Extensive selection of traditional lovespoons that are hand-carved and very good quality. Among its products are miniature lovespoons in several styles, which are perfect for wedding favors. More Cadwyn lovespoons shown below. - David Western Love Spoons
Photographs of some of David Western's intricate lovespoons are shown above. Visit his site to see many, many more breathtaking designs. His work is at the pinnacle of lovespoon art. - Jenkins Lovespoons
Laura Jenkins-Gorun is one of the few female carvers of lovespoons. Her one-of-a kind creations are marvels of delicate precision. A few of her designs are shown above, but you owe it to yourself to visit her site to see more. - Love Spoon Gallery
The Lovespoon Gallery in Mumbles, Swansea carries the work of many carvers, and has a range of styles that vary in quality and price. - Lovespoons Wales
Handcarved spoons by Paul Wadge, Dave Thomas, and Daffyd Hughes include an array of standard designs and the option for commissioned work. - Mike Davies Welsh Lovespoons
For more than 35 years, Mike Davies has carved lovespoons. Recognized as a master in his field, he has carved one-of-a-kind pieces for a variety of clients and occasions, including presentation to members of the British Royal Family. - MJS WoodcarvingCardiff-based Martin J. Stuart hand carves beautifully detailed lovespoons that reflect traditional symbols in a very personal style.
- Pinc Products Ltd. - The Original Gay Lovespoon
Updating a classic concept to encompass modern reality, Pinc Products offers lovespoons for gay and lesbian couples. The spoons combine traditional lovespoon symbols with double-male or double-female icons to create meaningful keepsakes. - Richard Downes Love Spoons
Originally trained as a furniture maker/restorer, Richard Davies has been creating hand-carved lovespoons for about 15 years. - The SpoonMan
Romanian spoons, not Welsh, are featured here. Many symbols differ from the Welsh ones, but the original purpose of the spoons is similar. These spoons are large -- about 20 inches. The site is in Romanian, but you will have no trouble translating the pictures.... - Wood Carvings by George
Elaborately hand carved spoons with some unusual motifs.
Read More About Lovespoons
- The Lovespoon Story by Herbert E. Roese
Authoritative and scholarly article on the history of lovespoons emphasizes the ones from Wales but also puts into context those from other countries in Europe and Africa, Very detailed. - The Story So Far by Chris Watkins
This article picks up where Roese's article leaves off, and rounds off the picture nicely. - Lovely Interview with David Western
A master carver discusses his work and the history of lovespoons. - Wikipedia Article on Lovespoons
Basic article on the subject provides a good top-level overview of the subject.
Learn to Make Your Own Lovespoons
- Carving Expessions
Web site offers detailed lessons, free patterns, and more - Woodcarving by George - Classes
Located in Queens, NY, this woodworking school offers a class on lovespoon carving.
Cadwyn Lovespoons - Traditional Designs
Some of the symbols carved into this group of lovespoons by Cadwyn include hearts (of course!) -- both solid and entwined, horseshoes, and bells. The third spoon pictured is the eternal knot design.